Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I'm here!!! :D

Ok, ok. I've been here a bit now so I guess I'll talk about what's been going on, but I can tell you already I will have a hard time trying to find time to update often! I guess I'll work on it :D the other thing is, I'm really would love to tell you all about every little detail, and that's impossible without sending a recording of my entire day, and well, that's just weird.

I think i can sum it up in 4 words, I LOVE IT HERE!!!! :D

Incase that isnt enough for you, I'll highlight the important bits.. 
Friday, I arrived in Lyon at about 12:30, after a late takeoff in Paris (about 45 minutes) and honestly I would have been increadably impatient had I not fallen asleep the minute I sat down. :D 
-that's the one thing no one told me to expect, for the first days your tired no matter how much you sleep! :P infact, I just woke up from a 3 hour nap! Hopefully now I'll be a bit more caught up. 

That afternoon, on the way to st Peray we stopped at my host grandparents for dinner! And I tried French sausage for the first time! As well as a plethora of cheeses! Papi Ellie and mami Susan (the grandparents) were sooo nice, but they don't speak any English! Nothing says welcome to France like talking with your hands all the time! :P 

My host sister meet me at the airport in a welcome Sydney t-shirt! Super cute!! :) 

I won't go day by day from here, too much! But over the next couple days we picked up my bus card, school books, and supplies! 7 school books, and that doesn't include the classes I don't need books for! Help! Haha :) 

Sunday, along with the other exchange students, we hiking at "the chateau du crussole" visible from pretty much anywhere in the area. 
The Rhone river, and a small town. (Not where I live) 

The view of valence! Where ill go to school! 

And my personal favorite! Saint Peray! :D bottom left. 

And me! Haha

Me and Thomas! My host brother from my second family! :) 

Clara et moi! <3 

some of the food! My host mom, super good cook! :D 
Ratatouille!! Yum! I now feel a stronger connection to the movie! :P

Did I mention the lemon tree in the backyard?? The other night we cut one off for the fish, during dinner! :D not something you'd do in Akron! 

Angie and Clara! Awwwee! 

And just because, the view from where I'm sitting right now! :D love it!! 

In short, I'm happy, it's amazing here, my host family is sooo nice! Sorry America, but I have no desire to come back anytime soon! :D 

Although I still can't get over the fact that the word is the same for a fly, and to sneeze. Ok, means a hiccup, and that school paper is a bunch of little boxes, not lined like in the states, and he sign for perfect means zero.. Haha. :) 

Lots of love, 

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